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Reflective Practices in Music Education

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Music ConstructED Online Learning
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Enhancing Student Experiences

$20 | 60 minutes




This course explores ways of incorporating reflection and creativity in music learning. The course introduces the use of thinking routines and documentation when facilitating musical experiences in which students create, perform, respond to, and connect with music in varied contexts and means. This course encourages critical thinking towards pedagogical practices through the lens of musician, educator, and community of learners.


In this course, learners will:

  • Define documentation as data that inform reflective and inclusive invitations to learning.
  • Practically and meaningfully reflect on ways to integrate thinking routines to promote reflection and group learning.
  • Reflect upon the “qualities” of high-quality and creative musical learning to inform pedagogy and implement shifts in practice to promote further reflection.

Here is the class outline:

Introduction to Reflective Practices in Music Education

Meet the presenter and learn about reflective practices. Complete the Check for Understanding quiz at the end of this course to receive your PD Certificate of Completion.

Documentation and Reflection

In this lesson, you will learn the foundations of quality music and arts education. You will also dive into documentation and reflection.

Creating Music and Reflective Thinking

In this lesson, you will explore ideas that may support your creative lessons or composition tasks, as well as imagine opportunities to integrate reflective thinking.

Performing Music, Creative Thinking, and Group Learning

In this lesson, you will explore the intersection between performance-based learning, creative thinking, and learning together. The lesson will also (re)define creative thinking and group learning.

Responding to Music and Interdisciplinarity

In this lesson, you will think about the opportunities that your students have to respond to music - whether their own or by others. The lesson will also share some interdisciplinary possibilities that feature deeper learning and excellent musical creations that necessitate students’ responses to music and their learning beyond the music classroom.

Connecting to (within and through) Music

In this lesson, you will reflect on how your students make connections within and beyond their music classroom–and how this course’s learning connects with your pedagogy.


The following certificates are awarded when the class is completed:

Music ConstructED 60-minute PD Certificate of Completion
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